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Chair of Governors Letter

Suzie Mutch our chair of governors shared a letter with our school community at the end of term.  Please take a few minutes to read her thoughts on the last year!

Dear Parents and Carers,


It’s difficult to believe that this is my ‘end of year’ round up letter and there is much to celebrate in our Stickland's community.


Let’s start with the headline - in case you haven’t noticed we’ve had a change of Headteacher.  Ruth Adler has taken on the role with enthusiasm, care and compassion.  As a Governing Body, changing a Headteacher is no small task and we wanted to get it absolutely right for the school.  The children cheered on hearing the news which was very reassuring and proof that we’d made the right decision. 


Our Governing body has had a few changes.  We said goodbye to Richard Campbell, a committed member of the Board, to whom many thanks for his steady guidance.  The clerk, Megan Lane, has recently left us and details for the replacement can be found at   AnneMarie Henham has recently joined the board, as a retired secondary school Headteacher her experience is very much appreciated.


I would like to say an enormous thank you to all the staff, parents and volunteers who have supported the school throughout the year.   Your time, dedication and commitment makes Stickland’s a very special school.


The children are, of course, the stars.  They have accomplished amazing things this year.   The sports teams, led by Mrs Watson, have achieved outstanding results.   We’ve had interactions with other schools in the West Dorset Collaboration through singing activities.   The Accelerated Reading programme has been a success in encouraging independent reading from the children.  Many thanks to Mrs Low for her efforts to implement this.  Performances both in the school and the church have been joyful to watch and well attended by parents and carers.


The children’s behaviour is an embodiment of the school’s Christian values.  Their respect and care for each other and the community is outstanding.    On every visit to the school I am always impressed by how polite and considerate they are to each other and the environment.


Finally, I wish you all a glorious and happy summer holiday and to those leaving us I hope your light continues to shine as you begin your new adventure.


Best wishes


Suzie Mutch