About Our School
There has been a school in Evershot since 1628, thanks to Christopher Stickland who founded a school for ‘male children only’. Under the Chairmanship of the Earl of Ilchester the current school was built in 1874, although it has undergone many extension and changes since then, including the building of the Discovery Centre for Art and Technology in 2005.
Our school welcomes children from the villages and hamlets around Evershot, which include Corscombe, Rampisham and Halstock. Children are admitted in the September before their fifth birthday.
At Stickland’s we aim to offer a caring environment, providing for the needs of individual children and helping to develop their self-esteem and respect for others.
The whole ethos of the school reflects its place within the community, to enable the children to develop into valued members of that community and society in general and to develop a sense of moral and spiritual values.
We actively promote motivation, enthusiasm and willingness to learn with enjoyment, placing an emphasis on the acquisition of basic skills and providing the opportunity to practice them in relevant situations. The school feels it is important to develop all ranges of ability.
We offer a broad and balanced curriculum and look to provide a curriculum that values creativity and recognises the needs of children’s different learning styles
Children are assessed regularly and the information from Teacher Assessments and more formal assessment opportunities is used to inform future planning and provision.
We have a close and much valued relationship with the members of the Melbury Team. Each week a member of the team visits school to lead whole school collective worship. Services are held in St. Osmund’s Church every half-term. Parents, friends and members of the community are invited to join us for these occasions.
RE lessons are planned to reflect the teachings of the Church of England and to provide an understanding of other denominations and faiths. Members of the Melbury Team are regularly invited to join these lessons to share their knowledge and experience.
Stickland’s is part of the West Dorset Schools Collaboration. We work close with the other primary schools, undertaking joint projects and sharing residential visits in order to extend the range of expertise available to our pupils.
The school has a very supportive school association (FOSSA), which organise events which enhance our school life. Funds raised have been invested in the children’s education and environment, including building a wooden play area, repainting the playground and maintaining the swimming pool.
We have a very committed staff, both teaching and non-teaching that care enormously about all the children at Stickland’s and work exceptional hard to provide the best possible opportunities for the children in our care.
Our Christian Values
The children are taught about the following Christian Values of the school:
Love, Perseverance, Friendship, Compassion Truthfulness and Respect