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Welcome to Ravens' Class!

Welcome to Ravens' class. We are a fantastic group of year 5 and year 6 children and are the oldest children in the school. Our class teacher is the wonderful Miss Stone and Mrs Oliver is our amazing teaching assistant.


Class of 2024

Working in Ravens' class is educational, fun and always fast-paced; our learning environment is most definitely, the best place to be and here is why:

  • We begin each of our topics in a fun and hands-on way, by having visitors in, such as the ExplorerDome, Portals to the Past (Ancient Greek Day), the fantastic Viking re-enactment group - Hrafnslith, etc.
  • We get to do beekeeping at Summer Lodge with Suzie, our Chair of Governors
  • We spend time creating dens, orienteering, exploring the wildlife, creating art and much more, at Forest School in the summer term
  • We get to swim in the school pool every week in the summer and autumn terms and also take part in a whole school swimming gala
  • We take part in a range of collaboration sporting events, to showcase our sporting accomplishments and show how well we work together as part of a team 
  • We support and celebrate Year 6's hard work whilst preparing for and taking the KS2 SATs by providing a breakfast each morning of SATs week and a celebratory lunch at the end of the week
  • We celebrate all the hard work of all the children in our class by ending each academic year with our annual 'Ravens' Beach Party!'

AUTUMN TERM 2024 Key Information

PE days - Tuesday & Friday

Children are to wear their PE kits to school on these days - blue or black jogging bottoms, leggings or shorts; a plain white t-shirt and a Stickland's school jumper or hoody. 

Weekly Homework expectations

Reading records are to be brought into school each day; parents must sign and date these three times each week, to show regular reading at home is taking place. Children must also complete 20mins+ of SplashLearn to build on and develop their in-class Maths learning plus a 'Learn' spelling task on our Emile spelling programme. An additional spelling activity is also to be completed in the children's Homework Books, which will be given on a Monday and must be handed back each Friday.


                                                                       Ravens' Viking WOW Day

Dorset Coding Week